Monday, October 21, 2013

Can we?

Can we ever fathom the idea to start over,
Begin anew as the sun rises in the East?
Can we not change the course of things
That have shaped our existence, at least?
Nothing can take away the memories 
That have shaped and nibble at our ear.
We must go forward, leaving the troubles
Of the heart behind, amidst all our fear.
To become free of the yolk and confident
That all good things will come in waiting,
That all dreams of the soul will be fulfilled
Through faith in our humble beginning.
Focus fearlessly on what joy awaits us
In the redistribution of our cosmic energy,
For, what a lovely, fresh sight it will be
To awaken, anew, seeking again questions
Of life and time spent in a forgetful society.

May 12, 2013

Free exchanges

Free, gracious exchanges
of brotherly love.

The tide flows in and outward,
Rippling in concentric pulses.
What are we but mere beings
On an Earthly trip whose purpose
is meant to be woven together
In the tapestry of spiritual bondage
Of heart, mind and soul,
Ever full of promise and peace.

Take a deep breath and breathe
New life into the abyss.

January 10, 2013


When do we become
what it is that we
were meant to be?

Follow the little, white rabbit
Down the hole
And you wait and see.

Freedom from wanting,
Loving all you have,
And have chosen to be.

January 7, 2013


Trust in solitude that answers will come,
Continue to be observant
And all of the world will be known to you,
Seek and you shall find
That all in this life are numbered,
But are blind.

There is no sense in the destruction
Of a very good companionship,
Until there comes a time
To heed the creator's instruction.

January 7, 2013