Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I always thought that life would be different than it is today.
All my youthful dreams of romance and rescued destinies,
carried away by an aged view of tomorrow.
Take a deep breath and blow out the dust from the covers,
leaf through the pages and find the hidden moral
- today has no comparison to fairy tales
and gallant knights riding off with relieved damsels from distress.

By this age I was sure I'd have a spouse and little ones to tend
- but fortune has not found in me this dream.
Instead, has blessed my vision and determination
to not need of any of those societal ties,
to see them from the outside in,
made stronger and more confident
in the choice of tomorrow,
where it will lead.

Though I was in love once,
and still hold all of those memories
like a picture book in my head,
look into those eyes each time
their met with mine and dream of a place together.

Yesterday has taught me to guard my emotions,
to hold those I love at a distance,
though they might earn my distrust
- not of their own making,
human error of unfaithful love,
crushing my heart beneath the unnoticed heel of their boot.

No, today is not how I envisioned my love
for another,
my love for life.

I discovered myself through that other,
my muse,
by the discord his notes brought to my days.
I found that if I could not trust one that I loved,
that he wouldn't fight for my heart,
then I shall love them all from a distance,
spreading my joy around and hope
that I leave witnesses to the natural artist of the Earth.

For, to focus on any one person,
place or thing too long,
is too long away from the creative source
of freedom.

Here I stand,
still alive and enduring,
dreaming still,
still hoping in the passions of tomorrow
I have yet to know.

For, today is mostly made up
of the many seeds we sow.
They grow and blossom
into newly acquired reality
as we breathe in those moments,
learning from the past and continuing
on the road of purposeful resistance
to common, everyday speech,
profoundly marching toward our victory
with arms raised and our eyes set still
on those dreams of youth.

For, the fairy tale gum drops
and sugar plums are far more pleasing
and different still
than it is today.


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