Monday, April 11, 2016

I am

I am damaged.
I come from a past of divorce and poverty
But I do not let that control my fate.
I am a survivor.

I am beautiful.
I come from growing too fast and being "bigger" than my peers
But I do not let that define me.
I am a force.

I am strong.
I come from a teen age pregnancy and alcoholic induced beatings
But I do not let that harden me.
I am a lover.

I am dynamic.
I come from good manners, hugs and sharing smiles.
But I do not give excuses to waste them.
I am a student.

I am observant.
I come from high expectations of learning to speak and write well
But I do not surpass thinking things through.
I am a leader.

I am confident.
I come from facing your fears and "you just need to try"
But I do not know only one way to get there.
I am a thinker.

I am thankful.
I come from hard work and using the talents you've been given
But I do not let others dictate my work.
I am a warrior.

I am contagious.
I come from inspiration, ideas and carrying it through
But I do not neglect including others.
I am a teacher.

I am rich.
I come from learning your lessons and whom to trust
But I don't let that feed into my circle. 
I am a friend.


  1. Heather you are the essence of life and your words give meaning and light to my listening soul.

  2. Heather you are the essence of life and your words give meaning and light to my listening soul.
