Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The moments

What will you do
With your moments?
Shall not one be in vain,
Lest you do nothing
At all --

Be aware of the energy
Around you and within.
There are no wrong steps,
Only moments that lead
To the full purpose
Of your higher calling.

Let go and see
Where the net appears,
But make the decision
To be present in the moments.
All is well.
Do what needs to be done
To make your heart sing.

February 2015

Forge on

Forge on,
One foot following
The path so many
Before have trod,
Softly,  not nearly
As head strong
And willing
To make a mark
Upon the canvas,
But, onward
The pulse within
This flesh
Does pound.

"Go on, go on, go on,"
All will be well,
Until it is not...
And at that point
Your ashes will
Already have been strewn
And spirit will encircle
Another to take your place
In this history of change.

Until that time,
"Go on, go on, go on, "
For today you strive
For change.


Your intentions are out there,
Swirling around like seeds,
leading the wild heart's desires,
Through the winds of change,
Depositing those notions
Upon a sleeping landscape,
Everything dead...
The rains come and nourish,
Possibilities emerge in time
Giving way for new dreams to become.

The fire

No poem can immortalize
The spark of one hand
Gently moving its way,
Exploring the curvature of another,
Alien to itself-- 
The energy that pulses through,
From one to the other,
As, taboo if anyone knew--

Keep it quiet, lock it up
In your mind, for they
Will look at you unkind.
But, we understand,
You and I,
For it is the passion
We've been searching
For, far and neigh.
With a whisprer,
And barely a word,
Our bodies spoke,
Eyes communicating the want
And need
of something so near --
Without regrets,
He brought us together
And made us sing.
The skies seem clearer,
The night a delight,
The creative gates flowing,
Now that you are in sight.

Be my muse
And I'll be yours
Until the stars
Tell us we can go on
No more...

Your vision is mine
And I can see it,
Or dreams can be real soon,
I can just feel it.
Fantasies are merely thought
Until placed into action
And I would rather participate
In those that give this sort
Of satisfaction.

I'll be here to help
Fulfill each touch,
Wish and desire,
Until a stop must be
Put upon it,
And also the fire.

Meant to be

The pulse within me
Burns to be released,
Hands caressing each
And every cavernous place
Send nerves into endorphin
Overdrive of hide and seek.
What beautiful brilliance,
To be alive, and to feel,
This energy between beings.

I am what each needs,
But what am I to them?

The waves undulating
Into satisfaction
But, know that there
Can be no more than
This brief moment in time,
Embracing the natural urge
And letting it take its course --

She emerges,
A goddess who
Takes her lovers
As they come to worship,
Pulsating with never ending
Pleasure from desire.
Calling them in,
Let them have their way,
For all too short
Is the day we no longer feel.

The universe will fulfill
Every desire of your heart,
But,  once the muse has gone,
No longer will we hear
The sweet song
Of the siren in our ear.

Keep watch over your soul
That it doesn't lead
You astray, for all too soon
Will come your judgement,
And false flattery,
In the end,
Will share its grave
With the rest of humanity,
In the same place.

Feed, feel and respond
To this energy of light,
Heeding the song in your heart,
While moving strong and proud,
Free of judgement
To love deeply and generously
Because it is your namesake
As a superior being,
The passionate goddess
You are meant to be.

Where a better life begins

Falling into
The same routines,
Patterns of coming full circle,
Can't break away
From the disarray
Of clutter within the mind,
Blocking out the divine
With its tumultuous din.
Drunken records
Scratching at the door,
Skipping in tune
To "what is it for?"
Can't see the bottom
Of the bottle,
Knowing not what
Or how to chase the goal.
But, that's the beauty,
Of you, of me --
You don't have to follow,
Or to see--
Keep trailing down
The same old path,
Is it so bad?
Who knows,
Could be the best time
You've ever had --
But reality always sets in
And I'm not settling...
Please show me
Where a better life begins.

-- July 8, 2014

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Where they lay

Ghosts of yesterday,
Speaking in tongues,
Through wave pulses
Of energy--
what message
Are they sending,
Except to say,
"We have been" --
Go forward knowing
You can do no wrong --
Follow their lead,
For you, too, will end
Where they now lay.

- May 25, 2014

No one can ever know

Don't know where to turn,
So I turn to you.
The days they seem to whisper,
Thoughts spring forth anew.
The time lived is short,
Compared to the history of man,
You've led me down the path,
To discover myself
And reveal your plan.
I do not worry,
Try to uncomplicate,
And feel the pulse.
So many things to do
before I'm dead,
Ashes swirling
through the wind,
And yet --
Sit and contemplate,
In awe of the magnitude,
To wonder beyond myself,
Try to see what's in store,
Knowing, no one can ever know.
So many hearts and minds to touch.

- July 11, 2013